
Call for application

Eumenical Study Trip 2025 to Kirchentag 2025 in Hanover

Together with 30 participants from three continents, the department of ecumenism in the church of Dortmund will be traveling to Kirchentag 2025 in Hanover. During our transcultural and intergenerative study trip, we are getting together under the theme of Kirchentag- courageous, strong, resolute - and will talk about the future of our churches and ecumenical encounters. We will attend workshops, worships and lectures during Kirchentag and contribute to the programme with our own perspectives. The language of the study trip is English.

What is Kirchentag?

Kirchentag is a movement reaching far beyond a regular church event. Taking place every 2nd year in a big German city, Kirchentag sees itself as a free movement of people brought together by their Christian faith and engagement in the future of the Evangelical Church and wider society. The assembly partakes in bible study, lectures, and discussions, and hosts concerts. Well-known speakers engage with its topics – encouraging lots of audience participation – in panels, lectures and workshops. Add to that all the concerts, theatrical performances and other cultural offerings, frequently created by the participants themselves, and Kirchentag – with its over 1500 single events – becomes a truly interactive festival.

How long is the study trip?

Kirchentag takes place from 30 April to 4 May 2025. The study trip starts for NON-EU participants in Dortmund on Monday, 28 April 2025 and ends on 7 May 2025. National and European participants will join the group from 29 April to 4 May 2025 in Hanover.

Where will we be accomodated?

In Dortmund, international guests will probably stay in host families or hotels. In Hanover, we all stay together in a hotel in single or double rooms. Please note, that we have only a small number of single rooms available.

How many places are available?

The Referat Ökumene / Department of Ecumenism in the church District of Dortmund is offering 30 places for both national and international participants to join the study trip. We offer 15 places for participants from Germany and 15 places for international participants from England, Italy, Kenya, Namibia, Sri Lanka, Tanzania and Zambia.

What is the language of the Study trip?

The language of the study trip is English. Since most of Kirchentag activities are in German language, we for sure have a mix of language and german team members will help translating.

I do not speek English. Can I apply?

We are very sorry, but the 2025 ecumenical trip to Hanover is only for english-speaking people.

What other requirements are there?

Kirchentag will take place throughout the city of Hanover - we will mainly be travelling independently on foot and by public transport. A good level of physical fitness can help you to cope with the not entirely unstrenuous programme.

There will be more than 1500 events at Kirchentag - we will pick out a few highlights that we will attend as a group, such as the opening and closing services, but all participants will also be travelling independently.

Will we be travelling with the group the whole time.

Is there a participation fee?

Yes, there will be a participation fee between 100 and 300 euros. Participants can decide for themselves how much they would like to contribute. 100 Euro is the minimum - if you cannot raise this ammount, we encourage you to ask your local church or NGO for support.

What expenses are included?

For participants from Africa and Asia: All expenses including travelling (International flight from your country to Germany and retour), accommodation and food allowance in Germany, a five-day-ticket to participate at the Kirchentag as well as medical insurance will be met by the Church district of Dortmund. For participants from Europe: The Study trip for German and other European Citizens starts and ends in Hannover, Germany. Accomodation and food allowance in Hanover as well as a five-day-ticket to participate at the Kirchentag are provided.

From which age on can i apply?

We look forward to applications from people aged 18 and over. Since Kirchentag is quite a young event, we are especially looking forward to applications from the younger generation.

What should be part of my application?

How couragous are you? How did you become couragous in church? What would you need to be courageous? Is church already curageous? What do you consider as strong?What is your understanding of resolute? Send us your text, video, art painting or any other creative contribution and tell us, why you want to be part of this ecumenical study trip 2025.

How to apply?

Applicants are asked to send their application via email to oekumene(at)ekkdo.de until 31 October 2024.
Non-EU applicants have to attach a copy of their passport. Later applications cannot be considered.
Applicants will be informed in the course of November whether they have been selected.

Gemeinsam mit 30 Teilnehmer*innen aus drei Kontinenten reist das Referat Ökumene unseres Kirchenkreises zum Deutschen Evangelischen Kirchentag 2025 nach Hannover. Während der transkulturellen und intergenerativen Studienreise kommen wir unter dem Kirchentagsmotto – mutig, stark, beherzt – zusammen und beschäftigen uns mit der Zukunft unserer Kirchen und ökumenischen Beziehungen. Wir werden an Workshops, Gottesdiensten und Vorträgen während des Kirchentags teilnehmen und das Programm mit unseren eigenen Perspektiven bereichern. Die Sprache der Studienreise ist Englisch. Wir freuen uns auf zahlreiche Bewerbungen.